Blog 11- The last post

This is the final post for the VR project that I have been creating for this unit. This week and the past week I have been focusing on gathering assets, creating the video and finalising/sending for review/handing in before the hand in date of Friday 20th January 2023.  Here are some images from the creation of the video:

There were many challenges when trying to create this video. Some of these challenges were:

  1. Trying to make sure the videos are high quality
  2. When creating the components, having to learn and figure out everything pretty much myself without any previous knowledge
  3. Problems with the computers/program itself since some of the time Unreal either didn't load my work or took over an hour on occasion.

At the point of writing this final post, I am answering the survey questions and making sure everything is handed in.

Overall, this unit has been very difficult but I have still given it a go and although my overall idea of a VR museum has not happened, I am still proud of the work I have made.

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